Dies ist eine kurze Liste der wichtigsten Textformatierungsregen, die dir zur Verfügung stehen. Eine ausführliche Liste findest du unter [[Textformatierung]].

(empty line) Make a paragraph break. 
---- Horizontal ruler
[[link]] Create hyperlink to "link", where "link" can be either an internal 
 WikiName or an external link (http://)
[[link|text]] Create a hyperlink where the link text is different from the actual 
 hyperlink link.
[[wiki:link|text]] Create a hyperlink where the link text is different from the 
 actual hyperlink link, and the hyperlink points to a named Wiki. 
 This supports interWiki linking.

* Make a bulleted list (must be in first column). Use more (**)
 for deeper indentations.
# Make a numbered list (must be in first column). Use more (##, ###) 
 for deeper indentations.

== Large heading
=== Medium heading
==== Small heading

**text** Makes text bold
//text// Makes text in italics 

{{{text~}}} Makes text in monospaced font.
line1 \\ line2 Force a linebreak

}}} Don't try to use HTML, since it just won't work.

''(Wondering where this text comes from? It's on a page called [Edit Page Help], which you can edit too!)''

Use InterWiki links with the : syntax to shortcut frequently referenced pages like google or wikipedia
* [[Google:Heilbronn]]
* [[Wikipedia:Heilbronn]]
* [[Hilfe:Textformatierungsregeln]]